Monday, 24 May 2010


More disappointment :o(

Apparently Cambodians love to put your pictures onto DVD....despite the fact that the net café computers don't have DVD readers.

However, what I would love to say is hello to my family :o). I phoned home on mums birthday and managed to speak to everyone which was great. I said at the time, it's really strange, but for the first time in my life I can hear their accents. Having met so many people with so many different accents, it kind of fine-tunes you to them. Very odd indeed.

I also want to say hi to nanny, who I know has been following my blog through Dad. I'm glad you're enjoying it nan, I'll come and show you all my pictures when I get home, I love you and hope you're doing good :D.

Lots of love to all of you and see you soon....time sure does fly out here.

Big hugs and kisses,

B xxxxx

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