Monday 31 May 2010

The Gilis - Installment number 2

Bungalow on Gili Meno

So we went snorkelling...and I got horrendously burnt. My back never sees the light of day, and stupidly, I forgot to suncream it along with my shoulders and chest...and what sees the most sun whilst snorkelling? Ugh! It's better today, but I'm hoping the pain is all gone by the time I have to shoulder that bag again and head for Lombok.

Snorkelling was lovely. Unfortunately the camera is only 'water resistant' and so I don't have any piccies of the lovely fish or turtles that we saw, but I have some more envy-inducing pics for you :).

We've now seen Gili Air (the best people so far), Gili Meno (the smallest of the Gilis...rubbish food) and now we're at Gili Tranwagan (the largest...and some cool people so far). In a couple of days I'll be off to Lombok to trek a volcano....whoop. Then Java Java!

Big love to all at home, I'll be seeing you soon xxx

View from Amber House on Gili Meno

View from the restaurant we ate at 10 minutes ago...Gili Trawagan


  1. More great pictures, you must think your somewhere near paradise. Look after your back and cover up where possible. Missing you lots of love mum

  2. I've not been on your blog for ages. Glad I only missed the one post. Glad you were ok, if a little sunburnt four days ago. I will write to you by email and express my excitment for your return home. It is all go here...
